A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: Mrs.Spud reliable mail order houses for plants? - May 5th, 2006 at 09:23 AM
I need a couple roses and was looking at jackson perkins. Are they reliable? Do you have any other suggestions?

I also need to plant a sloped hill, so I may need more plants than just 2 roses.
Posted By: howdager Re: reliable mail order houses for plants? - May 5th, 2006 at 02:03 PM
Mrs. Spud,
I having been buying from "dutchbulbs.com" for the last two years and have been very satisfied. The selecton is pretty good and more importantly there plants are garanteed. This year I had purchased ten potentilla cinquefoil plants and nothing came up. When I dug them up they were rotted! Bummer. But they are sending me replacement plants within the next week. I now realize I should have added some sand or perlite to the soil mix. Luckily, they are willing to accomodate my novice experience.
The other thing I would suggest if you go with a company that garantees the plants, definitely save your invoices!!! I bought eighty lilies of the valley and only 62 survived. Again, glad they will replace the lost ones.
The downside is it is not quite as satifying as perusing a great nursery and getting instant plants.
Good luck though
Posted By: Wrennie Re: reliable mail order houses for plants? - May 5th, 2006 at 11:10 PM
You can check on all co's on www.gardenwatchdog.com
Posted By: Anonymous Re: reliable mail order houses for plants? - May 6th, 2006 at 11:14 AM
i've purchased from michigan bulb and never had a problem with anything - everything grew just fine.

they do have a money back guarantee, tho. good to know, just in case.
Posted By: KKMedic Re: reliable mail order houses for plants? - May 7th, 2006 at 12:26 AM
I have bought from Burgess... being a novice, I was surprised at the bare root shrubs sent... but once planted, OMG! Talk about gorgeous!
Posted By: gardeningmomma Re: reliable mail order houses for plants? - May 7th, 2006 at 03:21 PM
I've bought from Brecks and Richard Owen's Nursery and have been very satisfied.
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