Here is all the information I have gathered about these so I can get them growing next year. You are of course wondering where I will plant them? I plan to give them away to friends when they are ready to be planted. If I have a balcony I may keep one of them for myself.

Please add any information, hints or tips you have about these veggies.

Soil: 50% compost 50% garden soil, moisture retentive

Soil Temperature: 60 degrees F minimum temperature for germination.

Indoor Planting Time: One month prior to the last frost date for your area.

Outdoor Planting Time: One week after the last frost date for your area.

Water: Keep soil moist.

Planting Depth: 1 inch seeds need dark to germinate.

Plant Spacing: plant 6 to 8 feet apart on hills with 3 plants per hill.

pH: between 6 and 7

Time to germination: About 10 days

Mulch: Once the vines begin to lengthen mulch with hay, straw or leaves.

Light: Full Sun

Time to maturity: 75 to 90 days depending on type of cultivator.

Special Instructions: When the vines are at least 60 inches in length pinch off the end of the vine to promote side fruit baring growth. In midsummer after the vines have started to fruit remove the additional blooms that won't have time to mature so that the plants energy goes to the fruit.

Companion Plants radishes, nasturtiums and French or African marigolds.