Hi all,

I got bored with the winter dormancy of my plants and was inspired to build a terrarium.
I think I did a pretty good job for the most part, river stones on the bottom, a layer of sand, a layer of peat moss, another layer of sand, and then a big lair of potting soil.

The potting soil is kind of an "oops." By this point I was so excited about my terrarium that I forgot to mix it with sand to increase drainage. Anyway I planted St. John's Wort and Marjoram and some plant that looks like a pink polka dot with white dots instead of pink. The Wort and the Dot seem to be happy, but the Marjoram, which looks happy for the most part, is having some of its leaves turn black. Is it too humid in there for the Marjoram? Is it getting too much moisture from the soil?

Should I take the plants out to mix the soil with some sand?