well..i did the unthinkable..i have rooted an avacado!! hehehe..i am super excited about this..because i didnt think it would work! but 3 weeks ago i rested a pit in some water..held up with some toothpicks..and put it in my window sill...and voila!! i have roots!!

so i have learned that avacados need good drainage..and not too rich soil. they like good light levels and warmth too. so i have re-potted..and am anticipating seeing some new growth on these babies (i have 2).

i will be putting them out in the warmer tempratures, i think they will be craving some solid U.V's.

i heard that the fruit might take up to 6-9 years to come...but hey..why not! i look forward to the day when i get to enjoy my favorite greasy fruit!!

yum yum...