I've been posting questions here for over a week now, and never stopped long enough to introduce myself in the "New Members" forum! Sorry!
I guess you half know me by now! But, here's my bio:

*Just turned 47 a few days ago.

*One daughter (29 years old)

*One wonderful grandson, age 4.

*Stay-at-home parrot mom
(Lola, African Grey, age 5)

*One black cat that Lola named "Kyow Meow"

*Have a "sort of" husband, Andy. (Married 7 years, divorced, I still live here. LONG story!)

*Obsessed with my yard and plants and my wild birds.

That's about it. The neighbor's wonder about me, but that's o.k. (I wonder about MYSELF!)

Nice to meet all of you. You've been a great help so far. I just have one big problem with this website...ever since I found it I can't get much done in the house or outside. It's addicting. Because of this site I've gained a pound or two from sitting here on my #*! in front of the computer! (Just call me "Forum Junkie"!)