I would like to see our parks filled with fruit trees, nut trees and berry bushes. I would like to see fruit trees, nut trees and berry bushes lining the streets and growing in people's yards. I would like everyone to know that food is free. Work could consist of climbing trees and eating your fill. If you like, have a garden. You can work on it with your friends and nieghbors as you talk, laugh and have a good time, showing your children how to make a peaceful and bountiful living. Then you can share the harvest. Food is free, in fact everything in life is free. It is time now for us to slough off the old, stupid ways of thinking and living. Much of the "work" we do and much of the money we spend on things to numb us of the atrocities of earth's daily reality go directly or indirectly to cause, form, and fuel those atrocities. The global crisis we are now experiencing is the result of the present way of life of each individual on Earth.

For starters, I would like to see everyone who has participated in a peace march this year, plant a fruit tree. I would like to see everyone who has ever complained about war, about government, or has ever seen a homeless person in their life plant a food tree or berry shrub. Everyone who has ever done something nice for someone, or has seen pictures of our starving neighbors should plant a food tree.

Everyone who is able should plant fruit trees, nut trees, and berry bushes in their lawns or in places where municipalities will not disturb them.

Our cities should allow food trees to line the streets and fill our parks. Once we convince our cities that we, the people, want free food and beautiful, fun trees to fill our parks and line our streets; we can go on populating our parks and commons with bounty.

We can make our cities into virtual Utopias. Free food can be left to grow all over the world. Free food for everybody. Shelter will also be free. Life is free, living is free.