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Hardiness Zone Map for Alberta (AB)

Alberta (AB) Hardiness Zone Map
Additional Alberta (AB) Hardiness Zone Map
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Region Information Data for Alberta (AB)

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - Source: WinterforceMedia/WinterE229
Source: WinterforceMedia/WinterE229
Alberta is a western province of Canada. With an estimated population of 4,067,175 as of 2016 census, it is Canada's fourth most populous province and the most populous of Canada's three prairie provinces. Its area is about 660,000 square kilometers (250,000 sq mi). Alberta and its neighbor Saskatchewan were districts of the Northwest Territories until they were established as provinces on September 1, 1905.

Alberta is bounded by the provinces of British Columbia to the west and Saskatchewan to the east, the Northwest Territories to the north, and the U.S. state of Montana to the south. Alberta is one of three Canadian provinces and territories to border only a single U.S. state and one of only two landlocked provinces. It has a predominantly humid continental climate, with stark contrasts over a year; but seasonal temperature average swings are smaller than in areas further east, due to winters being warmed by occasional chinook winds bringing sudden warming.

Alberta's capital, Edmonton, is near the geographic center of the province and is the primary supply and service hub for Canada's crude oil, the Athabasca oil sands and other northern resource industries.

About 290 km (180 mi) south of the capital is Calgary, the largest city in Alberta. Calgary and Edmonton center Alberta's two census metropolitan areas, both of which have populations exceeding one million, while the province has 16 census agglomerations.

Tourist destinations in the province include Banff, Canmore, Drumheller, Jasper, Sylvan Lake and Lake Louise.
Demonym Albertan
Capital Edmonton
Official Motto "Fortis et liber" [Latin] (Strong and free)
Official Flag Alberta (AB) Flag
Official Language(s) English
Approximate Size Total: 255,541 sq mi (661,848 km2)
Land: 247,137 sq mi (640,081 km2)
Water: 7,541 sq mi (19,531 km2) 3%
Population 4,231,959 (2016)
Currency Canadian Dollar (CAD $)
Drives On the Right
International Dialing Code +1
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 23rd, 2018 · Updated on July 14th, 2020
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Comments and Attributions

Wikipedia contributors, "Alberta," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed September 23, 2018).


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