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Clubmoss · Wiki

Botanical Name: Selaginella kraussiana

Selaginella requires high humidity, so unless you live in the tropics, you'll want to put this plant in a terrarium to keep it lush and green.

Its mounding habit is made up of creeping stems that spread quickly across the soil, forming a dense mat of foliage; Selaginella adds a wonderful texture to any plant grouping. Its unusual, branching foliage gives it another common name, spike moss.

There are many types of Selaginella are available on the market; variegated and gold varieties will add beautiful contrast to your collection.

You'll want to prune back your Selaginella in the spring to keep this spreading plant under control. You can prune up to half of the plant, as its a vigorous grower, it will fill out again. Take care not to toss out stem cuttings, as they root easily for more plants.

Repot in spring when necessary, a shallow pot will do.


Care Tips

Origin: South Africa

Height: Spreads out rather than up, you can keep any variety small by pruning it back.

Light: Indirect light, with no direct sunlight

Water: Aim to keep the potting medium lightly moist at all times, but don't allow the plant to sit in water; remember to always use room-temperature water for tropical houseplants.

Humidity: Selaginella prefers high humidity levels, above 50% relative humidity. If the air is dry you'll want to mist the plant every morning, or stand the pot on a tray of wet pebbles. Keeping Selaginella in a terrarium will maintain humidity around it, or keep it in a Wardian Case.

Temperature: Average room temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C); try to maintain a consistent temperature, as Selaginella doesn't like it too cold or too hot, especially drafts. Keep this plant away from doorways and air vents.

Soil: Peat moss-based potting mix with perlite or horticultural sand added for good drainage.

Fertilizer: Feed monthly spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Propagation: Take stem tip cuttings in spring or summer. Just give the stems contact with the soil and they'll take root as they grow, forming a spreading mat.


• Brown, shriveled leaves are the result of dry air. Put this humidity-loving plant in a terrarium or mist the foliage every day with room-temperature water to give it the moist air it craves.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 4th, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
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