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Chinese Evergreen · Wiki

Botanical Name: Aglaonema hybrids
Chinese evergreen is a member of the Aroid family (Araceae), known for easy-to-please foliage house plants. It is known to be a very adaptable plant, and tolerates low light, and dry air, better than most other house plants. Though, one thing it doesn't like is cold air. Be sure to keep your plant away from drafts and air conditioning vents and it'll do just fine.

With large, pointed, dark-green leaves that grown between 6-10 inches (15-25 cm) long, 3 inches (7.5 cm) wide, and heavily marbled with white, cream or silver and white. New hybrids and cultivars are developed constantly, giving us more beautiful choices than ever before.

There are many varieties to choose from:
Silver Queen and Silver Spear have silvery variegation that makes them stand out among group plantings.
Emerald Star has bright-green foliage speckled with white.
Silver Bay is generously splashed with creamy white.
Firecracker is boldly mottled with fiery red.

As your Chinese evergreen ages you can expect some of the lower leaves to drop off, making it look spindly. Newer varieties of this plant grow in thicker clumps, so mature plants stay compact and bushy. Small flowers may appear in the Summer, followed by red berries. The berries and sap of this plant are poisonous.


Care Tips

Origin: Subtropical forests of Southeast Asia

Height: 2-3 ft (60-90 cm)

Light: Keep this plant in low light as too much light may cause its leaves to fade.

Water: Keep potting mix evenly moist, and don't allow it to get so dry that its leaves wilt. Water thoroughly and empty the drainage tray.

Humidity: Average indoor humidity levels, but will tolerate low humidity. Don't mist, which will cause spots on its leaves.

Temperature: Normal room temperatures between 65-75°F/18-24°C. This plant has no tolerance for the cold and will suffer when exposed to temperatures below 55°F/13°C. Cold air may cause grayish-yellow patches on its leaves. Put your plant in a spot where it won't be exposed to cold drafts from doorways or windows.

Soil: Any good-quality potting mix. Small plants can be grown in water.

Fertilizer: From spring through Summer, feed monthly with a balanced fertilizer diluted in half.

Propagation: Easy to propagate by stem cuttings or root division. You can root them in water or moist potting mix.



Water regularly, consistently moist soil will keep this plant happy; it can even grow in water alone.

Don't prune, all new growth is from the crown of the plant, so don't prune it back or you'll kill it. If it begins to look leggy plant pothos, or some other low-light plant, in the same container to cover the bare stems.

Re-pot in spring when it outgrows its pot. Aglaonema likes to be slightly root-bound, so it's a good idea to move to a pot that's slightly larger. Use a container with drainage holes to prevent soggy soil.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on August 2nd, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
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