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China Doll Plant · Wiki

Botanical Name: Radermachera sinica
The China Doll plant is fairly new as a house plant. Introduced to garden centers in the 1980s, it quickly became popular because of its tolerance to the warm, dry, air of heated homes. Lush, emerald-green canopy of leaves cover this tropical beauty year-round. If you're adding one to your collection you should look for plants with stems that are covered with leaves from top to bottom.

A small evergreen shrub, the China Doll plant has long, bipinnate leaves with glossy, deeply veined, leaflets that are about 2 in (5 cm) long. Young plants are compact with branching, woody stems. Fast-growing, this plant will quickly become leggy if not pruned back. Pruning your China Doll plant will keep it compact and beautiful.

In its native habitat of subtropical Southeast Asia, mature plants will produce fragrant, yellow bell-shaped flowers. But plants grown indoors rarely flower. The keys to success with this China Doll house plant are plenty of bright, indirect light and consistently moist soil. Yellowing leaves usually mean it has been over-watered.

Re-pot in spring, only when its roots have filled the pot. Use a container with drainage holes to prevent soggy soil.


Care Tips

Origin: China and Taiwan

Height: Up to 4 ft (1.2 m) indoors

Light: Bright, indirect sunlight

Water: Keep the soil evenly moist year-round, but don't allow the soil to become soggy, or dry out as either condition will cause the plant to drop its leaves. Yellow leaves are a symptom of over-watering.

Humidity: Try to maintain 40-50% relative humidity around your plant. Mist your plant to increase humidity, or use a humidity tray.

Temperature: Average room temperatures 65-75°F/18-24°C. It will tolerate a minimum of 50°F/10°C.

Soil: Peat moss based mix, such as African violet potting mix.

Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks spring through Fall with 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer diluted in half.

Propagation: Take 4 in (10 cm) stem tip cuttings in spring or Summer.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on July 29th, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
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