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9 Herbs You Can Regrow Over and Over · Video

If you have a glass jar and access to fresh water, you can grow a supply of herbs in water right on your windowsill! While any medium sized container will do, Mason Jars are particularly cute! growing procedure for all the herbs is the same. Simply take some healthy, fresh cuttings - Leaving just two sets of leaves at the top of each cutting, and remove the remaining leaves. Then, submerge the cuttings in a few inches of clean-water.

Here is a list of such herbs.
Grow peppermint in a jar and snip off a bit to make herbal tea, oil or soup. You can also just enjoy the sweet scent of this fragrant herb Peppermint does well in partially sunny or shady windows.

You can use fresh oregano straight in pasta sauces, soups and other savory dishes. Just use a pair of kitchen scissors to gently remove a few leaves from the stem. Oregano can grow quite large, so keep an eye on your plant.

Sage has a flavorful scent which makes it a popular choice for holistic purposes. You can also use sage with eggs, chicken, lamb or pineapple. Snip as much as you need and add it to your favorite dish. Sage doesn't need a ton of water and should be kept in moderate sunlight

This popular Italian herb grows well in water and can be used in many different recipes including sauces and soups. Make sure your basil jar gets about 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.

This hardy herb prefers a bit of sun but can grow just as well in shadier areas. You can use the leaves off of this herb to sweeten your tea of coffee naturally! You can also create a powder from the leaves to use as a sweetener too.

Thyme is a versatile herb. It will flower or you can harvest them before they flower, hang the stems to dry the leaves and then remove the leaves to use in cooking. Thyme needs plenty of sunlight, so set those jars in a bright window.

This flavorful herb does well in sunlight or partially shaded areas. It will grow better in full sunlight though. Use your growing’s to spice up your favorite chicken dish!

Lemon Balm
You can use the lemon balm herb to create an herbal tea that helps reduce anxiety, relieve symptoms of indigestion and helps make sleep a little easier to come by. Give this plant plenty of sunlight.

This onion family member is super easy to grow and you can use it in a ton of dishes. Make sure this herb has plenty of water and sunlight for best growth results.

For continuous harvest of your herbs, try adding hydroponic nutrients to the water to help give a to your herbs.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on August 3rd, 2017
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Uploaded By: Natural Ways
Source: YouTube
Upload Date: July 31st, 2017 at 06:30:10 am
Upload Tags: how to grow herbs in water, grow plants in water, herbs, veggies, plants, how to grow herbs indoors, how to grow herbs from cuttings, grow herbs in your kitchen, how to propagate herbs in water, propagate herbs from cuttings, gardening, garden, hydroponic gardening, how to grow basil, how to grow mint, how to grow Oregano, how to grow sage, how to grow stevia, grow thyme, grow roses from cuttings, how to grow lemon balm, chives, natural ways, kitchen herbs


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