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8 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Regrow · Video

Here are 8 Vegetables and Herbs that you can regrow in your garden. Do you throw your garlic-bulbs out once they start to sprout? What about your potatoes when they get a little wrinkly? How about ginger-root that sits out on the counter too long?

You could be getting a lot more out of your produce than you may realize! Many popular edibles can be regrown from the scraps you're likely throwing-out.

Basil is easy propagate; simply take some healthy, fresh, 4-inch cuttings from a young basil plant and leave just two sets of leaves at the top of each cutting, and remove the remaining leaves and then submerge the cuttings in a few inches of clean-water. It may take several weeks for new roots to form; once they have, plant in a small pot on your windowsill, or in your garden. 

Mint is another herb worth growing from cuttings; much like basil you'll want cuttings about 4 to 5 inches in length. Begin by removing lower leaves and place cuttings in clean-water. Once roots develop transfer to a container filled with potting-soil. 

Green Onions and Scallions[b]
Buy green onions once and then grow them from the scraps on a windowsill. Begin by placing the root leftover from the green-onions in a couple of inches of water; in just a few days you'll notice roots form, but also the leaves will start to grow. Continue to harvest while in water, or plant in a container of potting-soil.

[b]Ginger Root

Have you ever bought ginger-root and noticed any little buds forming? plant them and you'll have fresh ginger to harvest! Soak the roots overnight to encourage growth, and then you can transfer to a container filled with potting-soil. Ginger doesn't like standing-water, so make sure your container has drainage-holes.
When your garlic-cloves start to sprout, plant them! Garlic is one of the easiest plants to regrow; one clove, planted in the garden (in either early-fall or late winter, depending on your area) can multiply into a bulb of multiple-cloves.

Celery follows like most of the others; once you use the celery-stalks, save the end that's leftover. Place the celery ends, root side down, in clean water for around a week; then transfer the celery to rich, well-draining soil and watch it really start to take-off.

Buy a fresh head of lettuce, make a salad, and place the base in a couple of inches of water; within a week it will begin to regrow!

Sweet Potatoes
If you love sweet potatoes then you should consider growing them yourself! Submerge half of a sweet-potato in a glass of water that's been placed on a sunny windowsill. Wait for the sprouts to form and reach 4-inches; once roots form and begin to grow a little, plant out in the garden.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on August 3rd, 2017
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Uploaded By: Natural Ways
Source: YouTube
Upload Date: June 21st, 2017 at 05:24:42 am
Upload Tags: Vegetables, Herbs, regrow vegetables, garden, how to regrow vegetables from scraps, how to grow vegetables from scraps, regrow veggies, regrow vegetables from stump, vegetable scraps, how to grow herbs indoors, how to grow vegetables indoors, how to grow vegetables at home, grow vegetables from cuttings, grow basil from cuttings, grow mint from cutting, grow lettuce in water, grow ginger at home, garlic, grow celery indoors, gardening, natural ways


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