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HBGTP · Historic and Botanic Garden Trainee Programmes

The Historic and Botanic Garden Trainee Programmes (HBGTP) programme is an unrivalled opportunity for passionate and committed horticulturists. You can earn a salary while developing your professional skills in some of the best historic and botanic gardens that the UK has to offer.

Trustees selected this apprenticeship scheme for professional gardeners and horticulturalists because they felt a strong link with the gardens and natural world so dear to the hearts of Barbara and Philip. Fiona Dennis, the scheme co ordinator was able to provide a placement for the Barbara and Philip Denny Trust to support at Fulham Palace Garden which to trustees delight was the home to the ‘Bishops of London’ the subjects of one of Barbaras books. This has led to a further ongoing link with Fulham Palace Gardens which is additional to the trust support to Historic and Botanic Garden Bursary Scheme.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 15th, 2018
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