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Fiskars Uproot Weed and Root Remover · Review

Fiskars' stand-up weeder makes it easy to remove invasive plants from your lawn without kneeling, bending over, or using harsh, costly herbicide. Serrated, stainless-steel claws penetrate tough soil to grab weeds by the root for clean removal, and an easy-eject mechanism on the handle clears the head between uses. An extra-long handle helps you reach every weed without sore knees from kneeling or back strain from bending.

• Ideal for removing dandelions, thistles, and other invasive weeds without sore knees from kneeling, back strain from bending, or harsh, costly herbicide
• Serrated, stainless-steel claws firmly grab weeds and roots for clean removal
• Foot platform makes it easy to step down and maximize force to penetrate tough soil
• Easy-eject mechanism on the handle clears tool without forcing you to bend over and remove it by hand
• Long handle makes weeding easy for anyone who has trouble kneeling or bending

• Ideal for removing dandelions, thistles and other invasive weeds without kneeling, bending or using harsh, costly herbicide
• Four serrated, stainless-steel claws firmly grab weeds and roots
• Foot platform makes it easy to step down and maximize force to penetrate tough soil
• Easy-eject mechanism on the handle clears tool without forcing you to bend over and remove it by hand
• Length: 40 inches

Generally we'd be against paying $30 for a weed puller, but after being disappointing after trying several cheaper tools in the past, we decided to give this a shot.

We would highly recommend this tool to anyone with any back or shoulder issues (like me), it will pull dandelion's, crab grass, or thistle, with the ever so slightest effort on your part; it'll pull up large-rooted weeds in your lawn, bare soil, or areas covered in bark chips without any strain on your body. It's also pretty light, so it won't feel like too much of a chore as compared to some other tools.


You'll have to position the center of the four "blades" over the center of the plant (if it's a large weed or you miss some you can always give it another shot; with crab grass you'll notice less pigmentation at the center of the plant). It won't pull up the entire tap root, but it'll get a large portion of the rooted mass.

Don't attempt to use this, or similar tools, on dry or hard ground; it'll be easiest to use after a good rain or if you spray the area down with a sprinkler before you get started.

We've found that it's best to insert this tool at an angle and gently tamp the heel of the tool into the ground.

Product Link: Click Here (External Link)
Rating: 4/5 (Excellent)
Posted By Gremelin Posted on November 13th, 2018
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Fiskars Uproot Weed and Root Remover · Pictures

Fiskars Deluxe Stand-up Weeder


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