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Breakfast · Recipe Entries

Baked French Toast · Nutritional Thrifty Recipes Ingredients: 8 Slices White Bread 1/2 inch thick 5 Eggs 1 1/2 cup Whole Milk 1/4 cup Sugar 1/2 tsp Vanilla Directions: Lightly grease a 13 x 9 x 2 inch paking pan. Cut each slice of bread into 2 even strips. In large bo
Cooked Rice Cereal · Nutritional Thrifty Recipes Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup White rice, uncooked 2 cups 1% lowfat milk 1/4 cup Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla 1 tsp Ground cinnamon Directions: Cook rice according to instructions on the package. Combine warm cooked rice, with all the
Heavenly French Toast · For those that think they have a good french toast recipe you need to try this! Ingredients: 2 eggs 1 tbs sugar 2 tbs sour cream pinch cinnamon 2 pieces of white bread Directions: Fry in butter on each side for a few seconds.
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