A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: Johan Alocasia sanderiana (Kris Plant) - May 22nd, 2005 at 09:11 AM
I have a Kris PLant in a western facing room in the house and it gets around 1 hour of direct sun everyday, partially shaded by a large cherry tree on the outside. The plant seems to be doing very well and it is making new shoots at the bottom and makes new leaves on a regular basis.

This plant started blooming a while ago and it took a long time for the flowers to open (2 of them), but once they did they only stayed for a short few days.

Did these flowers only stay for such a short period of time because of the direct light it gets, is it normal for them to stay for such a short period of time or could there be another reason for it?


Posted By: papito Re: Alocasia sanderiana (Kris Plant) - May 23rd, 2005 at 05:14 PM

Hi, Welcome to The Gardener's Forum.

Not sure how long the flower last. Please check the links below for more info.

Kris Plant

Kris Plant2
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