A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: Fleur-de-ni tomatoes~morning sun - March 30th, 2004 at 07:34 PM
are there any tomatoes that I can grow on my patio that do not need full direct sun? I live by the lake in Rowlett, Tx. I get strong morning sun and it is very bright all day, even though the afternoon sun is not direct. Will the brightness itself do?

Posted By: Anonymous Re: tomatoes~morning sun - March 30th, 2004 at 09:22 PM
I don't think the type of tomato will matter, I assume that where you live it getsHOT,In extremely hot climates a gardener should give them some indirect sun, How many hours of morning sun are you Talking? Oh, And WELCOME to the Garden Helper!
Posted By: Rick Re: tomatoes~morning sun - March 31st, 2004 at 05:04 PM
In a very hot climate, midday shade could be a benefit. High temperatures can cause blossom drop and mis-shapen fruits. While a loss of direct sunlight might slow down the maturing of the fruit, you have a long growing season there.
With something like this, the general rule is try it. All you really have to lose is a few seeds or plants, and you might be pleasantly suprised.
Posted By: Fleur-de-ni Re: tomatoes~morning sun - April 6th, 2004 at 03:28 PM

I get perhaps 4 hours of sun right now. I just moved here so I am not sure how that will play out as the summer goes by or comes along or buries me, beneath the heat.

So perhaps I shall just give them a try. I so love a fried green tomato. I saw the movie; haaad ta, try, the tomato; sooo goood! But they are way too expensive and besides how much better even, might they taste, right off the vine!

Thanks so much for your welcome. I really should have introduced myself. I have no excuse. I'm just socially challenged. It is very nice ta meet ya!

And now... my next question: for the patio, what variety? perhaps something in a hanging basket?
Many varieties it seems to me, would be too big to grow on a patio.

Posted By: Fleur-de-ni Re: tomatoes~morning sun - April 6th, 2004 at 03:36 PM
...just getting the hang of this.

Thanks Rick~

You are right, I shall just give it a whirl and see what happens.

There is a lot of light and sure to be lots of heat. Even though there is no direct afternoon sun, the lake is right in front of the patio and the reflected light may be plenty.

do you also have any suggestios as to the variety that might best be grown on a patio?

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