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Posted By: hisgal2 Was at the greenhouse today - March 8th, 2004 at 11:21 PM
and saw my very first wandering jew. What a lovely plant!!! And I saw a purple passion there also. I really liked it. Does anyone have any information on it??? It cascades...right?? I want to know EVERYTHING about it. I'd really love to have the plant (if the hubby doesn't mind) I think he's tired of hearing about flowers!! smile
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 12:20 AM
hey Jennifer. I love wandering jew also. not sure about the purple passion plant. if it is the one I am thinking about, i have it too. I learned something about the one i have. during the winter, if it isn't allowed to go dormant, the leaves get fuzzy and colored more like a regular wandering jew!
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 04:56 AM
Is this it???
Purple Passion Plant

Posted By: hisgal2 Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 05:32 AM
yes weezie, that is it. i found that informatin, but I was hoping for more info. was does it like? does it do well here??
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 05:52 AM
I've only known it as a house plant!!!
(we had one a long time ago when I had houseplants and no perennials...)

But I would imagine you could use it as an out door plant, I might not put it in direct sun light??????????????
Probably regular potting soil??????
Probably a hanging basket type or a pot or container on a stump or pedistal, to keep it in the air, and so the plant can cascade over the side.

Let me put a link to this post here, and see if Will Creed can answer it if it's a houseplant and it's care!!!

Posted By: Rick Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 09:25 AM
Both wandering jew and purple passion grow well in indirect light, with wandering jew doing well in a north window. Neither plant is fussy about much. Average soil, humidity, moisture, and no major problems, at least for us. Pinching the growing tips will make for fuller plants. New stems will form in the leaf axils.
With wandering jew, we once had a small planter box about the width of the window it was in, and let the plant cascade down and form a living curtain with the planter suspended at curtain rod height. Both are easy to root cuttings from. Wandering jew roots easily in plain water. Both make very easy houseplants.
Posted By: lizheaemma Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 05:12 PM
I put both my wondering jew and purple passion or velvet plant(gynura) is some direct sun light and neither have complained.

[Linked Image]
The yellow thing is a drinking straw for scale.
[Linked Image]

You need to have good light to have a strong purple colour in both of these plants. Don't let either of these dry out to much when they get dry about a 1/4 or a bit less of the way down the pot give them a drink. The flowers of the gynura are supposed to have a very offensive smell and it is suggested that you pinch them out as buds!
As far as having these in the garden both I believe would do well for the summer but would look pretty sad in the winter if you brought them back in as the light they were receiving would be so much less intense! Both of these plants are frost sensitive and I doubt that they would survive the winter outside!

Hope this clears up any questions that you might have! Let me know if it dosen't!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 9th, 2004 at 10:45 PM
ali, those are gorgeous! thumbup
Posted By: Jillie Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 10th, 2004 at 04:53 AM

What a whopper wandering jew!!!!!

Awesome! thumbup thumbup thumbup
Posted By: Rick Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 10th, 2004 at 08:38 AM
Is there more than one plant called wandering jew? The one I know as that has much smaller, dark green leaves, averaging a bit over an inch long, same shape, that grow on long, trailing stems with the leaves alternating as it goes. It has the same growth habit as the one you pictured. Is that another type of wandering jew or have I been calling them by the wrong name?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 10th, 2004 at 04:32 PM
rick, there are several varieties of wandering jews, but the one pictured is the one most commonly called by the name.
Posted By: hisgal2 Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 10th, 2004 at 06:26 PM
I've fallen in love. cool I think I'm going to have to drag the hubby to the greenhouse (good thing its only 4 blocks away!!! laugh )
Posted By: write2rellie Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 11th, 2004 at 07:26 AM
here in so cal had one in a hanging basket from a tree limb, indirect light all day. it basically grew itself with just ocassional watering. sometimes we'd trim it back some to fill it out if it got leggy. it stayed out year round, but again, we are in So. Cal. Seemed to me to be a low maintenence plant. wink
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Was at the greenhouse today - March 11th, 2004 at 09:47 PM
Jennifer - Ali has it all right; even the part about the stinky flowers. Don't let your husband know about that!

Rick - Wandering Jew gets applied to many plants that have a similar look and not all of them are all that closely related. If yours is all green it is probably a Tradescantia. The purple striped plant in the photo is Zebrina pendula.
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