A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: tamara Planting bulbs/zone 4 - September 25th, 2003 at 03:55 PM
When is the best time to plant my bulbs in zone 4? I'm putting in a new bulb garden. I've prepared the site already and bought the bulbs, I just need a little advice. Thanks Duh
Posted By: iowadahlia Re: Planting bulbs/zone 4 - September 25th, 2003 at 04:04 PM
right now!!! plant them before the ground freezes.
i bought 50 tulip bulbs for my daughter. we are going to plant them this weekend.i love planting fall bulbs it is a good way to keep your hand dirty in the fall.
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Planting bulbs/zone 4 - September 25th, 2003 at 04:05 PM
Hello Tamara,
Right now,
the ground is still warm, which helps
the bulb establish it's roots.
And pretty much right up until it's cold
and just before it's full of snow.
Do NOT plant with any compost, as it's too much and makes them grow, There's stuff, like bone meal and oh, I'm drawing a blank, a powder you can sprinkle the same time you plant bulb, which encourages the roots system.

Which bulbs did you pick????
gab Weezie gab
Posted By: tamara Re: Planting bulbs/zone 4 - September 25th, 2003 at 07:33 PM
Weezie, I purchased 10 Negrita tulips, 15 Fritillaria (checkered lily), 15 blue Siberian Squill and 15 of each crocus (flower record, jeanne d'arc, yellow mammoth and pickwick). I am looking for Antoinette tulips,and little beauty tulips but no luck so far. I made a kidney bean shape around my new flowering crabapple and plan to plant them there. Any other ideas for me?
Posted By: njoynit Re: Planting bulbs/zone 4 - September 25th, 2003 at 11:49 PM
muscardi....they will bloom together& snowdrops are early spring bloomers but i don't know their hardiness.I'm tradeing my tulips as tired of digging them,some things i find worth digging(caladuims) tulips are nice but short lived for me
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