A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: greg norfolk pine - October 3rd, 2002 at 07:16 PM
I have a norfolk pine which was doing well. within the last week or so, the tips of the branches and needles within the branches have started browning. I mist it daily, water once a week to ten days. It is in a southern window, angled at approx 30 degrees so it gets the AM light but is protected from the noonday sun. It is becoming fall, the days are shorter and cooler (N.E. Ohio). It is also a bit less humid, but not much. I have not frtilized it at all this summer, only twice this spring. I trim the brown branches(3" or so in length) but it hasnt had alot of them, and there were many new growth sprouts ,esp. near the top.
Any suggestions? Thanks, Greg
Posted By: Anonymous Re: norfolk pine - October 4th, 2002 at 08:35 AM
Hi Greg,

You seem to be on the right path with your Norfolk pine. If the tipping is limit ed to just the lowermost branches, then it is not a problem, just normal aging.

Otherwise the tipping is likely caused by the soil becoming either a bit too dry or staying a bit too wet. Wait until the top quarter of the rootball feels dry and then water thoroughly.

Another possibility is water quality. If your local water is on the hard side, after a while the minerals will build up in the soil and damage the roots and cause tipping. If this seems to apply, switch to filtered, distilled or rainwater.

BTW, Norfolk pines prefer cool house temps and do not require misting.
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