A Gardeners Forum
Draciena, jade, kalchalone, ivy, polkadot plant, alvacado, sunflower, prayer plant, pony-tail palm, pointsettia, pinapple, money tree, orchid, peace lily, Bamboo Palm, Dumb cane, aroowhead vine, and a couple more i think but u cant remember and i dont feel like unning all through the house lol!
Well the portulaca did great indoors all winter so I'm going to add them to the group. And then there is the purple passion and the coleus. Aloe Vera can't forget that one it flowered for me last year. The first one I've ever had that did that. Then we have to include the kitchen window herbs right? For me that would be basil, chives, and mint. There should me more but I'll had all my starter plants for outside in my windows so I haven't really had the space to get all the herbs going. But by the end of summer they will all probably be up there.
well Okay I have to go by the rooms in the house I'll start with this one wink
stromanthe, swedish ivy,
Next pitcher plant, and two specie(s) of hoya's
Next Dragon tree, rubber tree, 2 ponytail palms, 2 different specie(s) mother-in law tongue. aloe-vera more swedish ivey , jade, another Ivy(forgot name)
next spiderplant, devil's backbone, kolanche, epi, stephlia, another cactus, crown of thorns (new), mother of thousands starter(new), another one I forgot the name. I think that's it , but I'm comfortable so I'm not going to go look lala laugh
hmm fun one.

Silver philodendron, reg vining philodendron, two types of calthea, african violets, german tree ivy, english ivy, aloe vera, orcid catus, purple passion, some type of bromeliad, tuberous begonia, spider plant, shafflera both a big non-variegated and a small variegated, rubber tree, snake plant, and another other bromeliad, and a couple more I know I am forgetting. heheh not sure how would count the pots of grass for the kitties.

one day I will learn to spell these :-/
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Name Every house plant you own (or you can think of that is!!!) - March 13th, 2006 at 11:44 AM
ponytail palm, areca palm, creeping charly, peperomia, calathia, peace lily, schlefflera, sanseveria (2 kinds), christmas/thanksgiving cacti, boston fern, wandering jew (green and purple), bolivian jew (one single strand left) misc. cacti, lucky bamboo, diffenbachia, pothos, heartleaf philodendron, sago palm, ficus elastica, african violets, a couple of unidentified ones, kalanchoe, aloe vera, hmmm, wonder if i missed any?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Name Every house plant you own (or you can think of that is!!!) - March 13th, 2006 at 11:46 AM
oh, and i forgot the paperwhites and hyacinths.
African violets ( and Av babies), Spider plant, Purple passion. Hoya carnosa, Sweetheart hoya, Goldfish plant, 2 hibiscus plants, Bhuddist pine, peace lilly, grape ivy,Anthurium, Hawaiian white ginger, Christmas cactus, shamrock plant, 2 Phalaenopsis ( moth Orchids)
heartleaf philo, pregnant onion, peperomias (2), begonias(3), prayer plants, ferns(3), devils ivy, moth orchids(2), miltassias, wandering jews(4), swedish ivy, spider plants(3), christmas cactus(2), draceanas(3), fiddle leaf figs(2), oxalis(3), purple passion, bird of paradise, peace lily, variegated peace lily, rubber tree(2), cast iron plant, arrowhead, african violets, aloes, hawthoria, hoyas(6), schefflera, m-i-l tongue, chinese evergreen(2), zz plant & a parlor palm. That is about all I can remember. smile
weeping fig, mahogany fern,Ivy,3 palm plants, coleus, pothos curly spider,av 2 babies,polka dot, bonsai tree,3 bamboo stalks, and 1 that I have no clue of what it is , Rosmary,celantro and parsley. I think that is all..
I have two schefflera, about 4 dwarf scheffleras from seeds that just sprouted, a ponytail palm that sprouted about 2 months ago, asparagus fern, two African Violets, Two pothos, three lucky bamboos, peperomia o. (baby rubber plant) that is variegated, two godseffianas (gold dust dracaena), two dragon trees, two peace lilies, a snake plant and a rubber plant.

laugh 4 golden pothos,spider plant,creeping charlie,dallas fern,philodendron,asparagus fern,2 baby tears,peace lily,5 indoor roses flw flw
:rolleyes: : oooooohhhh,I forgot, I too have a ponytail palm. : thumbup thumbup thumbup
2 types ponytail palm(recovering from hubbys pinesol drink)
3 hoyas,3 christmas cacti,2 orchid cacti epi's,AVs& babies,3 kinds potos ivy,purple passion vine,aloe,Cacti bowl with aloe,milk something& donkey ear prickly cacti, some kind of prickly cati growing one side of pot with some moses in the cradle,2 angelwing begonias cane type,dragon wing begonia, hardy bronze leafed begonia, 7 different dracanea,3 philodendron(I also have 3 grown in ground.4 different spider plants(also have varouis babys& plants growing in ground,that return)2 bougainvillia,dumb cane(looks plain awful) purple jew vine(also as ground cover under one tree)hibiscus redish pink,2 fiscus trees,pineapple plant,urn plant,painted fingernail plant,billbergis thing,purple wandering jew(also some grown inground)a few kolonchos(and a few pieces growing in most of my pots as well) crown of thorns 2 scheffler 1 variegated 2 huge pots motherinlawstounges& a smaller pot with pink oxillias included& another variegated one has creamy center and yellowish outer lines.2 bird of paradise,Devils backbone,mother of thousands& 2 anthruim,pink& red ............I may have missed some,but If I go look.I'll do something in the yard and forget to come back.I'm getting rain wensday.....I'm decideing where stuff from WS goes so can get um there and MN will waterum for me like this morning....oh yeah peace lilly& that sedum thing related to hens& chics.
I've got pothos of two kinds, English ivy, a Boston fern, two Fushias, two orchids (that have never bloomed) a Creeping Charlie and a ... uh... Fig Leaf vine? Man! I thought I knew the name of that one... guess I'm not sure? LOL

Outside in the shade I have a split leaf rhododendron, two pots with three kinds of spider plants, a Curley Leaf Charlie (my DIL gave him to me 10 yrs ago!), a Creeping Charlie and a Ficus that long outgrew the living room. He's not in the shade anymore.
Spider plants(lost count), African violets(2), english ivy(3), german ivy, devils ivy(3), sweetheart plant, cactus, christmas cactus, aloe vera (2) China Doll(2), split leaf philodendron, ficus benjamina(2), rosemary, mother-in-laws tongue, boston fern, rubber plant, jade, burrows tail, citrosa, dracena(lost count), asperagus fern, shefflera, queen of the night, croton, geranium and one mystery plant (I guess I should post him in the mystery plant area!!)
Moth orchid, African violet(2), polka dot (2), Golden pothos, peace lily, Dwarf umbrell plant, some kind of palm, prayer plant, gold dust, english ivy, ribbon plant, spider plant, corn plant with red margins, china doll, rubber plant, kalanchoe, jade plant, black prince, sedum cape blamnco, sweet basil, oregano, greek oregano, rosemary, spearmint, parsley, primula
I have a golden pothos, prayer plant,spider plants and babies, purple waffle, umbrella plant schefflera tree, draceana, song of india, sanseveria, croton, i think I am forgeting a couple but that's ok
Thanks Tk hooper i rem i have an Aloe to!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Name Every house plant you own (or you can think of that is!!!) - March 14th, 2006 at 06:35 PM
jade plant, rubber tree, lucky 'bamboo' (draceana), african violet, pink quill (, orchid (phal), graptopetalum superbum, dwarf serissa (3 dif varieties), dwarf umbrella plant, zz plant, wandering jew and 2 things i don't know the names of.
dracaena marginata x 1 (soon to be 2), aloe vera x 2, peace lily x 2, bromeliad x 1, fern x 1, asparagus fern x 1, anthurium x 1, hoya carnosa x 1, cactus x 1, wandering jew x 1
I forgot arrowroot I got 3 green ones(1 I let die back to ground),1 in 20 gallon pot& one in hanging pot in need of a transplant badly**I get the hint.it cracked its pot& did not fall...it grew outwards** 1 variegated one& a mini philodendron& a kangaroo vine.
I've also had only 1 green arrowroot bloom/the big heavy motha of course.
Philodendrons, jade, rubber plant, boston fern, borro's tails, tons of spider plants, dracenea, lots of air plants, two types of aloe, moses-in-the-rushes, banana tree, money plant, lots of succulents that I don't know the names for (probably should figure them out, will post)

Cacti: Christmas, peruvian torch, san pedro, saguaro, lophophora williamsii, and others I don't have names for (will also post)
Moving this post to gardeners chat where you can continue your discussion.
kit flw
2 schlefera

15 coleus (approximately), but they'll soon become outdoor plants again

2 kalanchoe (now that I gave most of it away - thank god)

5 golden pothos

2 african violets

3 dead cyclamen

3 sedum

1 pot of african fern cuttings

Geesh! I don't have many house plants, do I?

Oh yeah - that amaryllis.
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