A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: tamara Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 05:41 PM
I miss having a child to take out trick or treating. I don't even decorate like I used to. It's like having a child that doesn't believe in Santa anymore. I bought all the treats the other day. Does anyone have a child to send me for the day?

I used to take DD and two of her cousins out. The first year I had the 3 of them in a wagon, aged 1,2 and 3. We had a wonderful time. I took them out until they reached 11. Then they lost interest.

Does anyone have some hallowe'en traditions? Do any of you dress up yourselves or do the haunted house bit for the kids?
Posted By: Meg Re: Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 08:20 PM
I have an 8 & 10 year old, but you need to keep them till they are off the sugar high! wink laugh

I don't do much here.. kids dress up, I take them around, make hubby hand out candy, tho he'd rather not..lol.

Posted By: weezie13 Re: Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 08:39 PM

Man if I had the money, I'd turn my house
into a whole haunted house..

I do decorate my porch, I'll find some pictures later...
My mom goes with us and we start out before it
gets dark and we only go to the house's we know.
Then we race home to hand out the candy..
That's half the fun of Halloween..

My street is really neat... it's one of the busier one's on that night,
to keep the kids' off of the main street.
And it's all quiet, a slight breeze, crisp leaves blowing out and swirling around, you can hear the
wind whipping around the and thru the trees..
and then it's like someone yells ACTION
for a Steven King Movie, and alllll the charactors' come racing out, and the street is just FILLED with kids, families, buckets, kids screaming and giggling and CANDY!!!

I decorate with skull lights and I have a smoke
machine and things that have sensors' on them
that pop open when someone walks passed it..
Or some with hideous screams, and evil laughs...

But we make sure we're outside, ready for the kids,
*cause there's so many kids, it's useless
to go inside your house, you're up~you're down,
it's ludicris... so we just stay outside and stay
until about 8:00pm...we have coffee and hot apple cider... and of course CANDY!!!!
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 08:40 PM
You want the kids for "Beggar's Night"
I need them back for Halloween night...
Posted By: plants 'n pots Re: Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 09:24 PM
Weezie ~ that sounds WONDERFUL!!!

I, too, used to take the kids around. Usually with another family or 2 or 3. My husband would stay home and hand out the candy - he loved seeing the kids, and hated the schlepping to go trick or treating so it worked out well.

We used to get car loads of kids from other areas on our street, but now it's something if we actually get more than 3 kids!!! It's so sad!!! I feel just like tamara!

This year will be special though. Our daughter (15) is in the county concert band (all adults except for her and 1 boy) and they will be performing their 2nd Halloween concert at the community college which is just down the road from us. This will be Amy's first time. The performers will be in costumes, and the kids who attend get in free if they are also in costume. They will be playing The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Night on Bald Mountain, and other such songs, with lighting and videa effects. They will also have a "ghost" narrator who is supposed to be spectacular.

This will be our first year going, and we are even leaving a wedding early that night (Oct. 29) to attend the concert - I couldn't miss the fun!

tamara - might there be someplace that you could volunteer for the holiday so you don't miss out on the fun?
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 09:31 PM
Now that would be an idea Lynne...
Even like a boyscout/girlscouting party..
*give a chance to a mom or dad that would
normally volunteer their time to help the
pack out, but if you volunteered, they could
actually SIT with their kid and have a good time
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hallowe'en... - October 3rd, 2005 at 10:10 PM
Originally posted by weezie13:
You want the kids for "Beggar's Night"
I need them back for Halloween night...
weezie, what's the diff? i didn't know there were two nights to it (other than when the local municipalities try to say go trick or treating on a sat. to keep it "safer")
Posted By: Meg Re: Hallowe'en... - October 4th, 2005 at 02:05 AM
When I was little (till age 11.5), and my dad was in the navy, we lived in the military housing they offered. Where we lived, they had built a "community center" where folks could have dances, meetings, etc. Well, it became the place where they'd do the haunted house each year. I helped my mom get dressed up as a mummy, totally wrapped in ace bandages & guaze, complete with ketchup for blood. wink laugh Me, I dediced I'd like to work it too.. I got to be a ghost, and snuck up behind people. laugh That was fun. I don't like going thru them, but working them, totally different!!

I don't do anything now.. just get the kids out for thier sugar fix. :rolleyes:
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