A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: IreneRose Greetings from Queens (NYC) - May 8th, 2005 at 05:57 PM
I live in a 'garden apt' co-op. In the center of our courtyard are 8 48" square planting areas. When I moved here last year there were only a few lonely hostas, and the rest was weeds or bare dirt. I just hate looking at weeds and bare dirt, so I have taken it upon myself to whip these squares into shape. It's a much bigger task than I anticipated! So far I have moved all the old hostas to the shade, added some new ones and interplanted dead nettle with them. Last year I planted day lilies and Chinese Balloonflower. In the fall I added a LOT of compost to the soil and after a few weeks planted rudbeckia, salvia, and the large Chyrsanthemums "Becky" and "Alaska". Unfortunately almost none of the new plantings made it through the winter (too much compost maybe?), so I got replacements and have recently planted them. The mums and salvia re doing OK, but the rudbeckia doesn't look great so far.

I am blue because my newly planted hydrangeas have developed powdery mildew (I think that's what it is, and it's all over the plants...) So now I am on my way to a garden store to find Thiophanate methyl in the hopes that it will solve the problem.

I also planted a few hostas, violets, lilies and impatiens around a bush near the entrance to my apartment. This little area looks great!

Last year I planted about 100 daffodil bulbs with a few hyacinth in the squares. They brightened the area considerably. I just love daffys--they really refresh my spirit as they herald spring!
Posted By: tkhooper Re: Greetings from Queens (NYC) - May 8th, 2005 at 09:03 PM
Hi and Welcome,

It sounds like a great way to liven up an area.
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