A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: The Prynce Catnip - September 26th, 2003 at 11:38 PM
I have a ton of plants that I am pretty confident is catnip. They grow in shaded areas on or near slight slopes at the edge of my dirt road.

First off, can anyone tell me some characteristics of catnip plants? I'm 98% sure that's what this is but I want to be 100%.

Secondly, where are catnip seeds found? I read online that they are very small. How do I harvest them? In what part of the plants do they grow?

Transplanting them hasn't been too much of a success as of yet, so I want to get their seeds.

Also, if anyone wants any seeds let me know and once I find out how to harvest them, I will send you some.

-=The Prynce
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Catnip - September 27th, 2003 at 06:02 AM
Hey Prynce, wavey
The seeds are where the flowers were.....
If you want to save them, just let them dry
right where they stand and when they're brown,
cut the stalk right off and shake where you want the new babies...............Or shake into a envelope, like a mailing envelope.

Transplants never fair too well, some do survive, but I've heard, when you transplant them they don't survive because the cats eat them almost as fast as when you plant them.
But when you grow them from seed they fair much better and growing to large is size has a much better chance.
I tend to believe that, as my mom's place on the hill has them, they reseed prolifically and have tried to bring some down here over the years for a neighbor that had cats, and everytime we planted it, her yard, my yard, the back 40, everywhere we planted it, they rolled in it, pulled it up, ate it, or it died!!
Then I read somewhere's about that and just brought a stalk of the plant down and had some fresh dirt tilled up and shook it over that and then laid down the stalk on top of the dirt,
and that's where it grew!!!
If I'd a known it was that reasonably easy!!!
And the cats didn't abuse it like before.
Must be the plant smells when transplanted, the leaves are broken or the roots crushed or just something.
But, let it dry naturally.
If you want to save it, wait as long as possible on the plant, as they know the drying process best. That's always been my theory on it, but, then just cut the flower stalk and shake into an envelope.
Hope this info helps!!
gab Weezie gab
Posted By: The Prynce Re: Catnip - September 27th, 2003 at 08:49 AM
I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Do you mean that I should cut a stem off and let it dry then cut the flower off and shake it out of there? When is the best time to do it or will anytime do?

My transplants don't work well because of the condition of the plant when I dig it up, I think. Most of it grows on the side and grows out sideways and when I put it in a pot or a box, it always ends up dying because it is hard for me to get the roots in the soil and not get any leaves down in there. Cats aren't a problem though since I don't have any of my own.
I was actually looking around today and I found that I have a ton of catnip growing in the wild here. Its all along the roadside of my dirt road and grows in patches about 1 sq. ft. in some places. In another place, though, in the shade of cedar and chinaberry trees, there's a HUGE patch. Its probably about 3-4 sq. ft. at least. I was worried that I'd end up failing transplants and kill all the plants that I had (I thought I had only about 3) but now I'm glad to see that I have more chances.

Do you have any pictures of your catnip or pictures of catnip that looks like your's? Most of the pictures I've seen have it as a tall plant and mine's only like 2 inches or so tall. Is my soil bad?
Also, do you think potting soil or my natural soil would be best? I'm lucky in that I have all kinds of soil in my area around my house. The catnip seems to grow well in the sandy soils when it grows naturally and I have never seen it grow in any of the more clayed soil that's in my yard.

-=The Prynce
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Catnip - September 27th, 2003 at 09:16 PM
Here's a picture of it,
I'll get back to you on the rest...
Got some stuff to do...


Do a forum search of catnip......
There's about 6 posts with some info.........
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Catnip - September 28th, 2003 at 03:21 AM
Did you get a chance to look at the pictures??
Posted By: The Prynce Re: Catnip - September 28th, 2003 at 03:06 PM
Hey, yeah. Sorry. I was waiting for you to post more since you said you were gonna. lol.

Yes, I saw the pictures. The thing is, in looking online, I've seen so many type of catnip that I don't know what's what. Even on that site it showed two different kinds.

Click Here to see a few pictures of some of my stuff that might be catnip. There's other pictures of plants that I don't know on there too, so if you know what those are I'd love to hear it :-D.

-=The Prynce
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Catnip - September 28th, 2003 at 03:50 PM
Alrighty Prynce,
This is from what I can tell of the pictures.....
I am not an expert on alot, but I'd say about half I could tell what they were.

5 leaves.jpg = virginia creeper
bush.jpg = some kind of hydrangea
Long leaves.jpg= No idea
Patch.jpg =No idea
PurpBlueSMall =wild wandering jew or transendia
SmYellowFlowers= No idea
Yellowstuff.jpg=Golden Rod

Hope this info is some help!!
I'm pretty sure that's not catnip!!
I'm going to switch your posts to the
mystery plants and see if anyone else can help!!

Weezie gab
Posted By: The Prynce Re: Catnip - September 29th, 2003 at 07:40 AM
Hey, thanks. I think you got the 'Wild Wondering Jew' right because I was looking at it this morning and it looks just like a picture that I just found of it online. Can you tell me anything about it? I'll get a close-up picture in the morning and post it to see if you think that's right.

I also think you're right about the hydrangea from what I've seen online. The flowers and crap in that picture I have are dead. They're a really nice color when they bloom, though, which is in Spring. They seem to die before mid-summer. Any info on it?

I'm also sure you're right on the Virginia creeper. Again, any info? :-D

Crap! It also looks like you're right about the goldenrod too! Damn, you're good! lol. It is a weed, right? I think they're rather pretty. Here's a kinda funky thing, though. I have a bush in my yard that my mom said she thinks is goldenrod. Since it isn't in bloom, do you think you could identify it by its leaves? I don't remember when it blooms but I am pretty sure it has nice yellow flowers.

As far as what I think/though was catnip goes, I was going on pictures that I found online. Some/most of them have blue or purple flowers but I also found some with white flowers and leaves and all that look like mine. Here are some pictures that I saw that look like my plant:
http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/hortcult/herbs/images/catnip.gif (My leaves are like that)
http://www.gardenguides.com/articles/illustrations/catnip.jpg (My plants are shorter and the edges of the leaves aren't as jagged)
http://www.pushby.com/tomas/img/photos/catnip.jpg (Mine have similar leaves and leaf structure as well as similar 'buds' on the top)

I dunno. Maybe it isn't catnip. I'll try to get a more close-up shot of it soon. Perhaps it could be a type of catnip? I mean, cats really seem to dig it a lot. I'm going to take the leaves that I picked yestarday and give them to my g/f's kitties tomorrow and see how they react. I've seen them on storebought catnip before so I know how it does them.

Anywho, do you know if the pictures I'd labled 'hemlock' are any kind of hemlock or not? I've found some pictures that look a lot like it and it is called 'poison hemlock' in the pictures.

Wattaya think?

-=The Prynce
Posted By: njoynit Re: Catnip - September 29th, 2003 at 05:45 PM
my catnip looks like the pics on your last post.I grew from seed.took a bit for me to grow from seed.i actually thought it died& kinda left the pot sitting,,,under tree.we got like 12 inches of rain in june(tropical storm...i was sooooo sick of rain) it just kinda grew one dayI was out in yard and it was sprouting.it has not bloomed for me yet...... one stalk....the was nice tall one maybe about 2 ft tall,well looks like crap,dog peed on it. my leaves are fuzzy got pics but not in web shots albulm.All i know is mine is catnip was a trade.I've just stared into a few herbs.

i got some mint from neighbors yard.now don't know what it is yet....but...being mint family.All i pulled up took well.i pulled up after recent rain stuck in container filled with soil watered daily set in shade under tree,did move out to sun yesterday but was not happy so is in shade with a hint of sun for a bit then back in shade.mint is usually invasive any mint it seems also if something doesn't take by that way....can dig up but try to disturb the soil less and take clump of soil out of ground with roots and transplant whole chunk

as to wandering jew......I have 2 kinds oe a solid purple one a purplish with kinda greenish blushes,streaks,varigation however its seen i guess.plant delights nursery has some they call "new' and is pink streaks,blushes,varigation.mine bloom lil liliac pale purple flowers in tips and they do seeds,that if i paid more attenton could tell you they grew.i keep breaking pieces off to make bigger& even do tips sometimes.....sooooo.but theyare rooty,they get a root system on.i snip on the streaked type one from post office,they have grow in planters in huge box containers.i've actually got 2 of their plants looking better by my snips when i go..LOL its actually got new growth branches..LOL they have some cardinal vine in one pot and verbina on one part of another,I think they need to freshen the soil up.I'm tempted to drop some seeds in there to improve the look..LOL
i have goldenrod growing along the roads back here....and it may be a weed to some,but i like it& will collect seeds to grow in my yard at other end(yeah good plant for huge patch of flowers to grow so not have to mow,with that pink stuff blooming too)Only thing i've noticed.....is some has branches comeing out with the blooms and some is single...will look out at plant later.I m actually on another search....and got lost.I found hummingbirds in yard at night...i have mass planting of 4 pms&hummingbirds overwinter in the south <img border="0" alt="[clappy]" title="" src="graemlins/clappy.gif" /> I'm curious what you find about the different catmint& count me in for seeds
Posted By: The Prynce Re: Catnip - September 29th, 2003 at 10:37 PM
Does your catnip look anything like the pictures on http://filenetwork.org/prynce/plants ?
My leaves are somewhat fuzzy on the undersides and the stems are fuzzy on all of them except the really small plants. Do you think what I've got is catnip or no?

I tried not to disturb the soil when transplanting it. I got the soil from the same place as the plant and just put it in there with as little disturbance as possible.

How do you reproduce Wandering Jew? I'm quickly falling in love with it. Does it have seeds? Where are they and how do you harvest them? Its a very interesting flower.
You can see a picture of one of my flowers that is growing wild on http://filenetwork.org/prynce/plants/ . The image names are WWJ and WWJ1.

Where are the seeds on goldenrod? I really like them but I think I'd like them more if I could grow them in a more tamed enviroment. How do you harvest their seeds?

Okie dokie. When I figure out how to harvest the seeds, I'll let you know. I'm kind of confused on how to do it but when I get it, I'll contact you. I'm just hoping its catnip/catmint :-P

Anywho, everyone, please feel free to go to http://filenetwork.org/prynce/plants/ and look at all of my pictures and tell me if you can tell me what any of them are. I think I have only a few on there that are identified so please let me know. The names are named by what I think that they are so if I'm wrong, let me know.

-=The Prynce
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