Well, I ATTEMPTED to catch up... frown aint gonna happen unless Santa brings me that speed reading course!!!

Went to the new Doc...and I LOVE HIM!!! I have been very blessed to hit the great ones right off since we have been here! Hubby liked this one as well...so he will be usuing him also!
A very thourough guy, lot's of questions, very up to date on the lates fibro & lymphedema stuff. I am ALWAYS hesitant about new Docs because they always want to "play" around with my meds and it causes a lot of problems...he wants to amke some changes as well, but I was impressed that he choosing to do it in a gradual manner. He said this is no time to be reeking havoc...so he started one new med today and will see me once a month to start making the gradual changes. He was very pleased that I keep my pain meds to aminimum cosidering the shape I am in...but he thinks with some additions & changes he will be able to help in the discomfort department. So...it was a great visit and I am encouraged about maybe being able to feel a bit better with some med changes.
And then I got home (exhausted) and Darin called to let me know he was suppose to have called me last night and this morning...(and failed to) so he was in BIG trouble...he was suppose to let me know about Havin's Christmas program tonight at 6:30!!! So, it looks like I will be out again...TWICE in one day...it's really just a flook thing..I am really NOT getting a life...so don't panic! laugh
