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IV. Photos which are stored on another server (such as Photobucket) may be posted here provided that you are the legal owner. Due to past abuse of the rules, we request that all photo postings are to be limited to FOUR (4) photos per post (not per topic), regardless of size. Embedded videos, links to videos or slide shows may be subject to review.

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V. Images are allowed in your signature, to maintain a clean look to the forum pages we recommend an image size under 100x100 pixels; excessively animated images will be removed without explanation.

VI. For your own security, do not post your home or e-mail address, phone number or other personal information in the open forum; use the Private Messaging system if you intend to share your contact information! If we see private or personal information on a post we will promptly remove it without notice!

VII. Membership at A Gardener's Forum and the use of its services are privileges, not rights. Violation of the forums rules may result in loss of some privileges or your permanent removal from the site.

VIII. The staff of A Gardeners Forum are here to be certain that the community guidelines are adhered to, and that everyone is treated fairly and with respect; if you receive a message or warning from one of our staff, please take it seriously!

IX. Users retain full ownership of their postings, however by posting you grant A Gardeners Forum full, exclusive, unrevokable, usage rights to any and all posted content.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on February 1st, 2017
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