what is your philosophy? Here's an example... gardening has the air of creation, however; gardening is destruction. Nature was already there, she knew what was best for that space she placed her toughest shrubs, scrub, and weeds to grow in that particular dirt, and then you came along to destroy it all. you wanted the pretty flowers and grass and goldfish as you attempt to recreate eden, but you had to destroy what was already there to do it. You broke the soil with your two stroke tiller, chain saw, and whipper snipper, polluting the environment as you attempt to "beautify" your little space. I've done it as well. but I've learned one thing, simply make it better for the creatures that were there before you came along and then you will be vindicated....I had a lot of scrubby dogwoods and wild roses and not much else, when I started all this and now I have a place that birds come far and wide to wash and eat and drink from. I have butterflies and bees and a diverity that was not there before, I have no need to burn any gas. It's all done by hand. I don't make any noise and I don't pollute my planet (much). I get to enjoy my garden guilt free (for the most part) it can always get better.
so, try to have less of an impact on the world and try to do things that make it all better and try to look at the bigger picture and you will feel guilt free about the "paradise" you are attempting to create. AND COMPOST!

Last edited by dan@modernblacksmith; Jun 27th, 2007 at 07:36 PM.