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Code Refresh - 2014/10/06

October 7th, 2014
We've updated the site coding today to reflect our latest changes and features; generally some new User Interface updates (such as making the content borders smaller, adding the rounded corners on content boxes, etc).

We've also made several areas of the site easier to read; of which we haven't gotten all of the new systems updated to see the new revisions, this will be done in the next couple of days when I have more time to check the public files line by line to make sure they're up to the
[Read More: Code Refresh - 2014/10/06]
Today we've spent a lot of time on the content submission pages; making them a little cleaner by adjusting how the category (parent/child) hirearchy works and displays.

Before we just threw a list of categories at you and you couldn't see where each category belongs as far as the public display system is concerned, and it was pretty kludgy. Plus at times we have similar/same names for some sub-categories which could just lead to more confusion with how it all displayed.

With today's updat
[Read More: More friendly submission pages.]
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