A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: Sorathien bromeliad - December 7th, 2005 at 10:08 AM
they had some lovely bromeliads at the store today. i'm thinking i might get one when they drop in price (and i just KNOW they will, they're $10 right now, in a 4" pot)

anyway, what is the basic care for one? light requirements, humidity, soil, water?
Posted By: Kent Horner Re: bromeliad - December 7th, 2005 at 08:27 PM
High temperature (above 75 F) may be required to bring plants into flower,but average warmth (minimum 50 F) is OK for foliage types or plants in flower.

Most Bromeliads require a brightly lit spot away from direct sunlight. Pineapple and the Earth Stars will thrive in full sun.
Never overwater, and ensure that there is good drainage. Keep the central 'vase' filled with water,use raiwater in hardwater areas. Emty and refill the vase every 1-2 months. Water the compost only when it dries out. With non vase varieties keep the compost moist,but never wet.

Mist leaves in summer. Feeding through the leaves is the natural method of nutrition, so occasionally use diluted liquid fertilizer instead of water in sprayer.

Rarely if ever.
Posted By: margaret e. pell Re: bromeliad - December 8th, 2005 at 07:56 AM
Here's a site that will tell you more than you want to know, maybe, but the Genera Gallery is kind of fun to look at (who knew there were so MANY?). It also has culture information.

Posted By: TomR Re: bromeliad - December 10th, 2005 at 08:11 PM
Which one is it? Do a google search on them, tons of info! I really got into tillandsias this year myself.

Posted By: Erich Re: bromeliad - December 12th, 2005 at 11:18 AM
Tillandsias are excellent plants and rather easy to take care of. Spray them 2-3 times a week with a fertilized warm water and they will love it. I live in a very small apartment with limited floor space. I have therefore filled my apartment with air plants. They love fluorescent lights and sprays. I also submerse them in warm water for about 5 minutes twice a week. This keeps them growing, even in the winter months.
Posted By: njoynit Re: bromeliad - December 22nd, 2005 at 07:55 AM
that must be why my tillandsias die.they die of thirst.I'm doin good when they live for 4 months.I do great with bromilaids.My one in a 3 gallon pot may be upsizeing soon.
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